My friend and colleague, Steve Fredricks, President of Turrentine Brokerage, Trusted and Strategic Advisors to Growers, Wineries, and Financiers in the wine industry, did a terrific job at this year’s Wine Industry Financial Symposium, Competing in a Rapidly Changing Global Wine Market.
[pullquote]The Turrentine Wine Business Wheel of Fortune is the gold standard for supply/demand patterns in the wine industry.[/pullquote]
His presentation, The Supply/Demand Balance in the Global Market and California Bulk Market, thoughtfully described these challenges, using the demonstrated insights of the Wine Business Wheel of Fortune pioneered by Turrentine to describe cyclical and long-germ patterns in the wine business.
Steve covered the California and global bulk market, tonnage and acreage forecasts and outlooks for the global supply of key varietals: Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot Noir and Pinot Grigio.
Way to go, Steve. Great job!