Voting day is … finally … thankfully … only one week away. (I don’t know about you, but I sure won’t miss the endless cycle of political ads.)
Regardless of whether you’ve made a final decision about your vote, I thought I’d offer a few small stress-reducers to remind us that “this too will pass” … and that we’re better off when we don’t take ourselves too seriously.
Countless observers over the centuries have offered sarcastic and cynical commentary on politicians and the governments that employ them, often cloaked in pithy quotations.
Many of these observations were born long before America … an affirmation that since the dawn of time, there are consistent themes that apply to politicians and governments.
So why not have a little fun in the midst of these contentious times?

For each of the next few business days prior to November 3rd, I will offer another humorous quotation with insight into the national conversation.
No particular party or candidate is being targeted. Just a few smiles for a troubled time.