Better the devil you know?

Now, if this was a Knight of the Round Table, bearing the sword of Exkalibur, that would be one thing. Alas, not.
Rather, it’s an insidious invader disguised as a heroic force, riding to the rescue of American companies facing catastrophic economic ruin. So, as I watched portions of the Congressional hearings this week featuring the CEOs of America’s automakers, I couldn’t help but think: Where did the congressmen and senators learn about the auto industry?
How are they qualified to assess the business plans of the three U.S. automakers? (more…)

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Pick a Fighter Brand!

I have talked to many CEO's recently about pricing. There are a lot of good ideas around, too, about pricing and several articles that I recommend. The McKinsey Quarterly carried an insightful article about pricing in an inflationary economy that you might find helpful. (You'll have to register on their…

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Wisdom of the Ages – Don’t Miss This!!

Some of you may be aware of the Wisdom Project, an effort produced in cooperation with Bishop Desmond Tutu. I had lost track of it and thanks to a colleague, was recently re-introduced to it.
The Wisdom Project has assembled an extraordinary international cast of voices from all walks of life to explore the concept of wisdom. Do yourself a favor and take a few moments to reflect upon this wondrous work by visiting The Wisdom Project.
In the words of renowned photographer, Andrews Zuckerman, here is the concept of the Wisdom Project. (more…)

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Can you say your Strategy?

The April issue of the Harvard Business Review carried an article entitled Can You Say What Your Strategy Is? In short, the authors, David Collis and Michael Rukstad, describe a framework to create a sound statement of strategy that everyone in the company can internalize and use to guide their…

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