5 Powerful Leadership Lessons from the Indianapolis 500
Our leadership prowess is always on the line but nowhere more powerfully than on the starting line at the Indy 500. Y ou're all in, 24/7 for 365 days ... with victory in a 33 car lineup about 3 hours away. Do you understand the leadership requirements to achieve victory in…
Does Your Meeting Look Like This? Gee, I wonder why nothing is getting done?
As we begin the countdown to Leadercast 2015, we get an inside look at a typical office meeting. Share your best story from one of your crazy meetings on our Facebook page. [iframe id="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VwYNbsHEX8E" align="center" autoplay="no" maxwidth="700"]
What is Winston Churchill’s Productivity Secret?
"How did you get so much done?" You've probably heard the question many times, asked of interview guests the world over ... "If you could interview anyone, living or not, who would it be?" For me, that's an easy question. Winston Churchill. What if I could only ask him one question?…
Happy Thanksgiving!
It seems like everyone is ready for a little R&R these days ... and there's no better time than the Thanksgiving holiday for a restful weekend with family and friends. We can skip all of the pageantry for now .... Thanksgiving kicks off a long holiday season ... and ... thankfully ... it's devoid…
You’re a Leader | Are you an Architect or just a Handyman?
You need to develop a Delegation Mindset!Yes, it's sad but true.If you're a leader and you don't develop a delegation mindset, you'll never get enough done to extend your influence or grow in your organization.Most importantly, you'll be unable to accomplish the things that only YOU can do.Do you really have…
Lose $1Million in 1 Day – and Still Become a Champion
I never thought that Rory McIlroy, a PGA golfer, would be the subject any article I ever wrote, least of all 2 of them. What a difference a few years makes! When I wrote about the Magic of True Grit, Rory appeared in an ignominious way. What do you do…