Spam? Yep, and a Spamalot of it!

Spam? Yep, and a Spamalot of it!

Most of you are too old - and cynical - to attribute any value to Spam, the erstwhile meat product that's been various dubbed "Something Posing as Meat" or "meat with a pause button". You probably wouldn't think of melting...
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Practical Strategies for Turbulent Times

Recently, I organized The Leadership Forum and we held our first event entitled Cash is (still) king: Practical Strategies for Turbulent Times. At that event, I spoke about some of the critical leadership challenges ahead and discussed several strategies that...
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Bank of America economist

My friend and colleague at Bank of America, David Meddaugh, sent me the link for a November 12 Audio Webcast with Bank of America Chief Market Strategist, Joe Quinlan. Mr. Quinlan provided insight on the economic issues affecting the nation. 
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Take a moment to remember . . . .

Take a moment to remember . . . .

This day is never more poignant and meaningful than during wartime as we contemplate the young men and women who defend the freedom we hold so dearly. They don't choose to "wonder why", they simply "do their duty" which they've...
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Jack Welch and I are still in tune . . . .

Jack Welch and I are still in tune . . . .

There are a lot of voices out there with ideas about how to brave the economic storm, and none more experienced than Jack Welch. During this rainy Saturday, I had a chance to catch up on some accumulated reading and...
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Did the Boy Scouts get it right?

Did the Boy Scouts get it right?

Geoff Colvin is a regular columnist for Fortune and, like others, has focused on the frugality that is gripping more households every day. His recent column is a grim reminder of the value of being "thrifty", a forgotten interloper, it...
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Maximize Margins . . . the General Mills way!

Maximize Margins . . . the General Mills way!

The Nov 11 issue of Fortune carried an article entitled Cereal Cost Cutters, about how General Mills has scrupulously sought to manage margins. Even if you're not in the cereal business, there's gold in them ther' hills. There are some...
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Congratulations, President Obama!

Congratulations, President Obama!

I imagine with tomorrow's dawn, that President-Elect Obama will begin pondering that old saw about "be careful what you wish for." We have many struggles ahead, from a sputtering economy to a suffering international reputation,  and a partisan political system...
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No excuses. You’ve got all day!

No excuses. You’ve got all day!

Amidst the growing partisanship that throttles Washington and the increasing acrimony and venom in our political debate, there is always one Big Picture concept that few of us remember on this day as we vote for our favorite candidates. One...
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Celebrating the anniversary of a handbag?

Celebrating the anniversary of a handbag?

Unfortunately, I've got a pretty good track record of excess consumption and my wife loves Chanel . . .  but I still think that Chanel's pavilion in New York's Central Park is a classic tribute to the excesses that are...
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New Marketing Approach needed?

Nelson Peltz is better known as a corporate raider than a marketer but his fresh marketing approach to  Tiffany's, Heinz and Wendy's carries a valuable lesson. A fresh look at what you're doing and a willingness to adapt are vital...
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VC Leader’s Top Ten survival list

VC Leader’s Top Ten survival list

John Doer, the legendary VC partner of Kleiner, Perkins recently offered his Top Ten list of how to survive during a struggling economy. There is a technology and start-up twist to it that may not be universally applicable, but the...
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This will lift your spirits!

Thanks to Kara Swisher for this idea: lift your spirits to Mike Settle singing the classic “What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor”
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Trickle down really does seem to work . . .

Trickle down really does seem to work . . .

The Fed confirmed the contraction in the U.S. economy yesterday when it released the preliminary GDP results for Q3. Coupled with the most significant drop in consumer spending since 1980, the troubling signs in everyone's gut have finally reached the...
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Caramel Apple anyone?

Caramel Apple anyone?

Happy Halloween, my little hobgoblins. Please allow my stunning assistant to offer you a delicious candied apple! What could be more appropriate . . . from the dawn of mankind when the bite of an apple set the world in...
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A counter-intuitive idea to keep top talent!

A counter-intuitive idea to keep top talent!

We talk a lot about the importance of top talent in Sword Tips. Business Week's article entitled Keeping Talent in the Fold (the name used in the print version) recounts the challenge of identifying high performers and making sure they don't...
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Need a new Piggy Bank?

Need a new Piggy Bank?

Apparently, a lot of people do. The sale of home safes is up 50% over the last four weeks.Time to buy stock in a post hole digger?
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Neer beer? We need martinis, straight up!

Neer beer? We need martinis, straight up!

Is there any evidence that the Federal government has had a real impact on our confidence in the markets and general economy? Very little, I fear. I laugh at the countless reports today that investors are waiting hungrily for the...
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Somebody loves Joe the Plumber

Somebody loves Joe the Plumber

Business is flush for Joe the Plumber – the one in Amarillo, Texas not the one made famous by John McCain. So far, the offers to purchase is web site,, are up to $800,000. Is this a great country...
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Multitasking? It doesn’t work

Multitasking? It doesn’t work

All of us are trying to to do things differently, break old habits and transform our personal and professional lives to avoid that definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over hoping for different results.That's why, for...
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Jack Welch agrees with The Daily Bull . . . ish!

Jack Welch agrees with The Daily Bull . . . ish!

There's not much Bullish news to go around these days but that's one of our missions nonetheless. The legendary Jack Welch apparently couldn't agree more. His The Welchway column in this week's BW, The End is Not Here,  should be...
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Who’s Shocked about the Mess?

Who’s Shocked about the Mess?

Rising voices in mutual support? Yesterday, I referenced Joe Nocera's column in the NY Times. Today, Gretchen Morenson weighed in with much the same disappointment as she explained why her "hypocrisy meter konked out last week." It's another chronicle of...
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Why am I not surprised?

Why am I not surprised?

I've been saying for weeks, in various conversations, that one reason  the "crisis in confidence" has transformed fear into anxiety, is the Fed's feckless attempts to "cure the economy". The initial bailout plan stalled as cooler heads insisted on accountability...
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Bar Stool Economics: Explaining our Tax System

Bar Stool Economics: Explaining our Tax System

There's a parable that's been kicking around for years that I ran across recently and wanted to share with you. I haven't seen it in years but it's an insightful parody of our tax system with a golden nugget of...
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Get rid of Performance Reviews

Get rid of Performance Reviews

A UCLA professor has written on the MITSloan web site that it's time to get rid of Performance Reviews.This is an important topic because performance management is a critical linchpin to holding people accountable, one of the the most common...
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Mr. President, can you fix the economy? I didn’t think so.

Mr. President, can you fix the economy? I didn’t think so.

Can a President Tame the Business Cycle? is the headline in the recent NY Times article on Sunday about several economic indicators and how they have fared during various Presidential terms. Many of us have believed this for years, but...
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Just how slippery is that slippery slope?

Just how slippery is that slippery slope?

Gretchen Morgenson's column in yesterday's NY Times offers an interesting summary of the Executive Compensation guidelines that accompany the taxpayer's investment in the capital markets. A government rescue effort looks appealing in broad economic areas where a central bank fuels...
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